So anyway, my major is Networking in Computer Science. I remembered applying for many company including a cyber café. Hahahaha. But I only attend 2 interview, one of them is phone interview, that is the one that has been accepted. Satu lagi interview was from Nevigate. Pengalaman interview internship will be publish in next blog. Now, it has been like more than 2 months I’m in Jabil under Material Solution Group or known as MSG. Nothing that I ever imagined here.
Working experienced is totally different from what we learn in University. Here, we are exposed more towards communication and time management which I sucks so much. I’m good in mumbling though. Hahaha. Seriously, I can talk, but 90% at the time most people will wonder, apa sebenarnya yang budak ni tengah cakap or apa yang dia cuba sampaikan ni? I knew…I knew…
Everyday I sleep at 10.30 pm and wake up early. I’m like typical working person. No more late night futsal, late night movie. Lepak bilik kawan. Huwaaaa….. I’m old…… Setakat ni, my dear boss assigned me with 2 kind of projects that is Macro (excel VBA) and Validation Protocol. Honestly, I think I will never find any boss that is so kind, understandable than him. Thanks to him too for accepting me here in Jabil Penang. Cewahhh…
I’m also blessed with colleague that is all so supportive and eager to teach me. My istikharah is totally worth it. Thanks to Allah. I could never done anything without their help. Btw, my team member ada 10 orang termasuk aku. So let me introduce you this 2 person that really really helped me a lot. Afiq, one of intern student here too, from UTHM, a final year student and Eric, permanent staff here, his everyday words is “Are you ok?”. Hahahaha.
Based on I know, Afiq’s mentor was Eric, for training and learning session. Me? I was assigned to Afiq. From what Eric’s said, basically I’m like a grandchild. Hahahaha. Cute though…
Now the food. Setakat ni memang tiap2 hari aku makan kat kilang kecuali one day ni ak makan kat Queesnbay, serik dah sebab susah cari parking bila balik and I park illegally behind a small space because my car is really small. Hehehehe.
First day arrived at canteen kilang I was very excited. Why? Because it has like 100 more types of dishes than in FSKTM. Not exactly 100 I’m just exaggerate. Our faculty really need to do something about the food though…. Hahahahahaha. After 2 months, rasa biasa je la. The food is cheaper and nicer than in KL although right now I miss KL so much. KL usually like RM5-6 per dishes(without drinks) but in here I can get RM4 sometimes RM5 with chicken, vegetables and rice. Although both of the price I stated here already subsidise. The drinks, ladies and gentlemen, the drinks here is FOC, ada Teh Tarik and Coffee/ Nescafe (I’m not sure, because I’m still curing from my Café addict from the exam) with ice cubes or hot, any way you want. Tak ka heaven??
Although now I really miss KL and all my friends…. Sobs sobs…But I know I will miss here once I left… but hey I love changes. Changes is good. Kan?
Nah belanja gambar dari Pakcik Google:

hai.i dapat juga phone interview dengan company jabil.dia akan tanya soalan apa ye
ReplyDeleteHi. U dpt department mana ya? Kalau I hari tu simple ja soalan dia. Basically dia tnya what do u know about this company. What skills do u have. Do u know to do this and that. If not, r u willing to learn new things.
ReplyDeleteboleh tahu awak apply macam mana? through email? can i get the email? because currently im looking for internship at jabil too. looking for for your reply thanks! :)
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DeleteAssalamualaikum...saya tgh mncri tmpat intern juga...bleh wasap saya? 01124097650
ReplyDeleteHi. Please email me, for further info :)
DeleteThanks for the sharing experience intern di sana. Saya juga baru dapat tawaran Intern disini. Hopefully ianya baik-2 belaka. Amin
ReplyDeleteamacam encik...seronok x jabil..share sikit pengalaman..heheh..